Published Writing
We Write To Exspand Your Mind

Helping People In The World Through Literature
Our team has published some great books that will help open the minds of people in the world to assist in fostering a better society. See our books below.
The Bully Monster:
The Art of Bullying and How to Eradicate It
Published Book/Kindle - August 2020
This book takes an unprecedented approach to taking down the war on bullying. It describes the existence of bullying as a growing beast called the Bully Monster. This monster has grown over the years and it has been extremely difficult to destroy. It continues to hide in plain sight within our society decade after decade.
It also provides a different perspective on bullying and describes it as an art form. Every person on this earth contributes to this bullying form of art within one of three pillars. We all belong to one of the pillars and it is the key to affecting change that could save thousands of lives. With one change, we can all contribute to taking down this monster once and for all.
This Bully Monster lurks in the shadows as it infiltrates schools, playgrounds, malls, churches and even businesses. You can’t always visibly see it. But it has the potential to continue to grow in our society with its monstrous effects on victims. It’s time to increase our awareness of this monster so we don’t miss it.
The UnMade Mind:
Release Your True Self from your Trapped Mind
Published Book/Kindle - April 2020
The notion of an Unmade Mind is that you have not made the choice to become your true self. You are living a life trapped within a shell that has diluted your purpose. The reason you don't feel motivated to wake up every morning is because you have become a product of what society has molded you into. That is not what you were created to be.
You never decided to go after what you wanted for yourself. The fear of failing has put your dreams in the back seat. It has been the only way you moved forward in your life. Happiness is a state of mind—not a destination. The moment you decide to live in your purpose is when you will truly find your fulfilled life.
Your purpose is in your pudding. God has already created you with the ingredients that you need to cook up the life you wish you always had.This book will take you through five mental concepts that will help you transform your thinking so you can break through the mold of your mental prison. It's time to free yourself from yourself to start living the life you were truly created to live and become the great person you were created to be.